
Welcome to the official [furryclan] homepage. It's a clan site. You'll find information on our members, tactics and some "value-added" features like game diaries written by the members and a guide to our famous uniform.

Statement from [furrycat] on the [furryclan] uniform mod

If you want to make a uniform mod based on ours, please see this statement from [furrycat] on the subject.

[furryclan] tutorial recognised

Our friends at 10-David have been kind enough to feature our uniform guide on their front page. They even call it "fairly well done." Can't say fairer than that.

[furryclan] voted "silliest clan in SWAT 3"

Check out this glowing endorsement from 10-David:

[furryclan] members are observant

Proof positive that you can't pull the wool over [furryclan] members' eyes:
